Tongji University Online Information Session for International Student Enrollment 2021
Dear Prospective Students:
You are welcomed to the Tongji University Online Information Session for International Student Enrollment!
此次宣講會將於2020年12月5日下午3點(北京時間)在zoom 會議平臺舉辦🧝🏿♂️。請各位同學註意以下幾點事項🧑🏼💼:
The Session is going to be held at 3:00 p.m. (UTC+8, Beijing Time) on December 5th, 2020 via Zoom. Please read the following notes carefully:
The Session is mainly about the enrollment of the undergraduate programs. If you are interested in applying for our postgraduate or PhD programs, please pay attention to the forthcoming notice issued by the International Students Office about the information session for postgraduate/PhD student enrollment.
The session will be given in Mandarin Chinese; the PowerPoint file for the session, as well as the Q&A, will be in both Chinese and English.
3.欧亿本科全英文授課項目共兩個(詳情請查看:/English/ADMISSION/Degree_programs_English_taught/Undergraduate_Programs.htm),分別為MBBS臨床醫學 👩🍳,及建築學(國際班)。我校醫學院將於12月15日開展MBBS項目在線招生宣講(宣講語言為英文),宣講詳情請見海報🕵️♀️;建築與城市規劃學院也將於近期開展英文在線招生宣講,請感興趣的同學關註欧亿相關通知。
MBBS (Clinical Medicine) Program and Architecture (International Class) Program are the undergraduate programs taught in English. For detailed information, please refer to /English/ADMISSION/Degree_programs_English_taught/Undergraduate_Programs.htm.
The online information session (given in English) of the MBBS Program, held by the School of Medicine, is scheduled for December 15th, 2020; for further information, please refer to the attached poster (See attachments). The online information session (given in English) of the Architecture Program will be held by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning recently. If you are interested in this program, please pay attention to updated notices issued by the International Students Office.
Please make sure that Zoom is installed on your devices before the session.
5.如有任何問題歡迎咨詢isotju@tongji.edu.cn 或 電話咨詢0086-21-65983611🔩。
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at isotju@tongji.edu.cn, or call at 0086-21-65983611.
Zoom Information
會議主題 Topic: “Tongji University Online Information Session 欧亿國際學生線上招生宣講”
會議時間 Time: Dec 05, 2020 15:00-17:00 (UTC+8 Beijing Time)
會議碼 Meeting ID: 648 539 20401
會議密碼 Password: 809910
會議內容 Content🧜🏽:Introduction of Tongji University, Qualifications for Application, Application Materials and Procedures, Scholarships, and Experience Sharing by Tongji International Students.